Muscle Doctor Mobility
Video Series
If you have been suffering from aches and pains caused by poor posture and moving less but don't have the time or the money to see a professionally trained therapist then Muscle Doctor Mobility could be the answer to banish those niggles forever.
Liam uses advanced techniques and never-before-seen stretches and mobilisations to help you reach new levels of mobility and flexibility.
You can choose any individual video or buy the whole bundle for a discounted price.
Just choose which one you want, click buy now and you will receive a link. This link will allow you to download the video, making it yours to keep and use as you wish.

Running Order
Squat to stand
Hamstring Stretch
Adductor Stretch (using advanced technique - MET)
Quadriceps stretch
Hip Flexor stretch
Gluteus Maximus stretch
Neural Floss - Sciatic Nerve (Posterior focus)

Running Order
Hip Flexor Stretch
Hip Flexor/Hamstring Mobilisation
Spiderman (Hip/Groin Mobilisation)
90/90 (Hip Rotation Mobilisation)
Adductor Stretch
Hip/Lower Back Mobilisation
Gluteal Stretch (Using advanced technique - MET)
Neural Floss - Sciatic Nerve (Anterior Focus)

Running Order
Fire Hydrants (Hip Mobilisation)
Frog Stretch (Groin)
Spiderman (Hip/Groin Mobilisation)
Advanced Adductor Stretch (Using Advanced Technique - MET)
Abductor/Hamstring Stretch
Gluteal Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Neural Floss - Sciatic Nerve (w/ Ankle Mobilisation)


Running Order
Bicep Stretch
Tricep/Latissimus Dorsi Stretch (Using Advanced Technique - MET)
Wrist Flexor Stretch
Cat/Cow (Whole Spine Mobilisation)
Cat/Cow (Thoracic Spine focus)
Spine Mobilisation (w/ lateral flexion focus)
Sphinx (Spine extension)
Child's Pose (Spine flexion)
Child's Pose around the clock
Rotator Cuff Stretch (External Rotator focus)

Running Order
Spine Rotation Mobilisation
Thread the Needle
Swimmers (Shoulder rotation)
Wrist Mobility (w/ broomstick)
Shoulder Mobility (w/ broomstick)
Rotator Cuff Stretch (Internal Rotator focus - w/ broomstick)
Chin Tuck
Neck Stretch (Using advanced technique - MET)

All 6 videos