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Posture - Which one are you? Part 5

The final piece in the postural puzzle is what’s referred to as ‘Flat-back’ Posture.

Called flat-back because of the ‘flattening’ of the lumbar spine instead of its natural lordotic curve.

It takes on a similar appearance to a sway-back posture apart from the shoulders not being so exaggeratedly behind the rest of the body.

The pelvis is stuck in a posterior tilt, causing the knees to often become locked.

The position of the pelvis means that the abs are held in a shortened position and can become tight along with the chest muscles.

Hamstrings and adductors can also become short and tight because of the incorrect pelvic alignment.

If you think you may have this type of posture and think it might be causing or contributing to any pain you’re experiencing, here are some ways to help fix it.

Did I mention… stretching?

I may have. But that’s because it is the most under-utilised tool in the box. Tight muscles in this case would be – hamstrings, adductors, abs, chest and possibly hip flexors. Give them a stretch, it will probably help more than you think.

There are, of course, weak muscles too, that have been lengthened through the imbalances and need normal muscle tone restored. This doesn’t have to be done through a strength training program but can be achieved by becoming aware of these muscles, where they are, what they do and how to use them properly in everyday life. These would include; Back (top to bottom - traps to erectors) glutes, calves and possibly hip flexors.


Of course there are various skeletal conditions, asymmetrical bone lengths and other factors beyond our control that can also result in muscular imbalances that cause pain and discomfort. But in the majority of cases, the problem is down to a muscular imbalances caused by soft tissue dysfunction.

The good news is – Soft Tissue can be treated.

Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or enquiries this article may have raised for you. Soft tissue dysfunction can affect everything – if you’re suffering because of it then I will be able to help you.

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